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Class KJUR.asn1.DERBitString

Extends KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object.
class for ASN.1 DER encoded BitString primitive
Defined in: asn1-1.0.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
class for ASN.1 DER encoded BitString primitive
As for argument 'params' for constructor, you can specify one of following properties:
  • bin - specify binary string (ex.
Fields borrowed from class KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object:
hL, hT, hTLV, hV, isModified, params
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
generate an array of falses with specified length
This static method may be useful to initialize boolean array.
set ASN.1 DER BitString by binary string
Its unused bits will be calculated automatically by length of 'binaryValue'.
set ASN.1 TLV value(V) by an array of boolean
NOTE: Trailing falses will be ignored in the ASN.1 DER Object.
set ASN.1 value(V) by a hexadecimal string including unused bits
setUnusedBitsAndHexValue(unusedBits, hValue)
set ASN.1 value(V) by unused bit and hexadecimal string of value
Methods borrowed from class KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object:
getEncodedHex, getLengthHexFromValue, getValueHex, tohex
Class Detail
class for ASN.1 DER encoded BitString primitive
As for argument 'params' for constructor, you can specify one of following properties:
  • bin - specify binary string (ex. '10111')
  • array - specify array of boolean (ex. [true,false,true,true])
  • hex - specify hexadecimal string of ASN.1 value(V) including unused bits
  • obj - specify KJUR.asn1.ASN1Util.newObject argument for "BitString encapsulates" structure.
NOTE1: 'params' can be omitted.
NOTE2: 'obj' parameter have been supported since asn1 1.0.11, jsrsasign 6.1.1 (2016-Sep-25).
// default constructor
o = new KJUR.asn1.DERBitString();
// initialize with binary string
o = new KJUR.asn1.DERBitString({bin: "1011"});
// initialize with boolean array
o = new KJUR.asn1.DERBitString({array: [true,false,true,true]});
// initialize with hexadecimal string (04 is unused bits)
o = new KJUR.asn1.DERBitString({hex: "04bac0"});
// initialize with ASN1Util.newObject argument for encapsulated
o = new KJUR.asn1.DERBitString({obj: {seq: [{int: 3}, {prnstr: 'aaa'}]}});
// above generates a ASN.1 data like this:
// BIT STRING, encapsulates {
//     INTEGER 3
//     PrintableString 'aaa'
//     }
//   }
Method Detail
<static> {array} KJUR.asn1.DERBitString.newFalseArray(nLength)
generate an array of falses with specified length
This static method may be useful to initialize boolean array.
o = new KJUR.asn1.DERBitString();
o.newFalseArray(3) → [false, false, false]
{Integer} nLength
length of array to generate
{array} array of boolean falses

set ASN.1 DER BitString by binary string
Its unused bits will be calculated automatically by length of 'binaryValue'.
NOTE: Leading zeros '0' will be ignored.
o = new KJUR.asn1.DERBitString();
o.setByBinaryString("001"); // leading zeros ignored
{String} binaryString
binary value string (i.e. '10111')

set ASN.1 TLV value(V) by an array of boolean
NOTE: Trailing falses will be ignored in the ASN.1 DER Object.
o = new KJUR.asn1.DERBitString();
o.setByBooleanArray([false, true, false, true, true]);
{array} booleanArray
array of boolean (ex. [true, false, true])

set ASN.1 value(V) by a hexadecimal string including unused bits
{String} newHexStringIncludingUnusedBits

setUnusedBitsAndHexValue(unusedBits, hValue)
set ASN.1 value(V) by unused bit and hexadecimal string of value
{Integer} unusedBits
{String} hValue

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