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Class KJUR.asn1.ocsp.CertID

Extends KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object.
ASN.1 CertID class for OCSP
Defined in: asn1ocsp-1.0.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
ASN.1 CertID class for OCSP
CertID ASN.1 class is defined in RFC 6960 4.1.1.
Fields borrowed from class KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object:
hL, hT, hTLV, hV, isModified, params
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
getParamByCerts(issuerCert, subjectCert, algName, associative)
calculate CertID parameter by certificates.
setByCert(issuerCert, subjectCert, algName)
set CertID ASN.1 object by PEM certificates.
setByValue(issuerNameHashHex, issuerKeyHashHex, serialNumberHex, algName)
set CertID ASN.1 object by values.
Methods borrowed from class KJUR.asn1.ASN1Object:
getEncodedHex, getLengthHexFromValue, getValueHex, tohex
Class Detail
ASN.1 CertID class for OCSP
CertID ASN.1 class is defined in RFC 6960 4.1.1.
  hashAlgorithm   AlgorithmIdentifier,
  issuerNameHash  OCTET STRING, -- Hash of issuer's DN
  issuerKeyHash   OCTET STRING, -- Hash of issuer's public key
  serialNumber    CertificateSerialNumber }
Following properties are available in "params" of the constructor:
  • {String}alg (OPTION) - hash algorithm name. Default is "sha1" (ex, "sha1")
  • {String}issname (OPTION) - hexadecimal string of issuerNameHash
  • {String}isskey (OPTION) - hexadecimal string of issuerKeyHash
  • {String}sbjsn (OPTION) - hexadecimal string of serial number of subject certificate
  • {String}issuerCert (OPTION) - PEM string of issuer certificate. Property "issname" and "isskey" will be set by "issuerCert".
  • {String}subjectCert (OPTION) - PEM string of issuer certificate. Property "sbjsn" will be set by "subjectCert".

NOTE: Properties "namehash", "keyhash" and "serial" are changed to "issname", "isskey", and "sbjsn" respectively since jsrsasign 9.1.6 asn1ocsp 1.1.0.
// constructor with explicit values (changed since jsrsasign 9.1.6)
new KJUR.asn1.ocsp.CertID({issname: "1a...", isskey: "ad...", sbjsn: "1234", alg: "sha256"});

// constructor with certs (sha1 is used by default)
o = new KJUR.asn1.ocsp.CertID({issuerCert: "-----BEGIN...", subjectCert: "-----BEGIN..."});

// constructor with certs and sha256
o = new KJUR.asn1.ocsp.CertID({issuerCert: "-----BEGIN...", subjectCert: "-----BEGIN...", alg: "sha256"});
{Array} params
JSON object of parameters
jsrsasign 6.1.0 asn1ocsp 1.0.0
Method Detail
getParamByCerts(issuerCert, subjectCert, algName, associative)
calculate CertID parameter by certificates.
This method calculates issuer name hash, issuer key hash and subject serial number then returns an associative array with alg, issname, isskey and sbjsn members.
o = new KJUR.asn1.ocsp.CertID();
o.getParamByCerts("-----BEGIN...", "-----BEGIN...", "sha256") →
  alg: "sha256",
  issname: "12abcd...",
  isskey: "23cdef...",
  sbjsn: "57b3..."
{string} issuerCert
string of PEM issuer certificate
{string} subjectCert
string of PEM subject certificate to be verified by OCSP
{string} algName
hash algorithm name used for above arguments (ex. "sha1") DEFAULT: sha1
{object} associative
array with alg, issname, isskey and sbjsn members
jsrsasign 10.5.7 asn1ocsp 1.1.6

setByCert(issuerCert, subjectCert, algName)
set CertID ASN.1 object by PEM certificates.
o = new KJUR.asn1.ocsp.CertID();
o.setByCert("-----BEGIN...", "-----BEGIN..."); // sha1 is used by default
o.setByCert("-----BEGIN...", "-----BEGIN...", "sha256");
{String} issuerCert
string of PEM issuer certificate
{String} subjectCert
string of PEM subject certificate to be verified by OCSP
{String} algName
hash algorithm name used for above arguments (ex. "sha1") DEFAULT: sha1
since jsrsasign 10.5.7 asn1ocsp 1.1.6. Please use setByParam instead.
jsrsasign 6.1.0 asn1ocsp 1.0.0

setByValue(issuerNameHashHex, issuerKeyHashHex, serialNumberHex, algName)
set CertID ASN.1 object by values.
o = new KJUR.asn1.ocsp.CertID();
o.setByValue("1fac...", "fd3a...", "1234"); // sha1 is used by default
o.setByValue("1fac...", "fd3a...", "1234", "sha256");
{String} issuerNameHashHex
hexadecimal string of hash value of issuer name
{String} issuerKeyHashHex
hexadecimal string of hash value of issuer public key
{String} serialNumberHex
hexadecimal string of certificate serial number to be verified
{String} algName
hash algorithm name used for above arguments (ex. "sha1") DEFAULT: sha1
jsrsasign 6.1.0 asn1ocsp 1.0.0

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